Quite common on CSI, naturally, given that the series is set in Las Vegas.In 'Gambit' while Blake is searching Freedom City for a MacGuffin, Avon and Vila decide to use Magical Computer Orac to win at the casino owned by the local crime boss. The money disappears while an elderly couple are being photographed beside it. One Banacek episode is 'A Million The Hard Way' in which a casino put $1 million in cash in a display case for patron to pose beside.Angel had two gambling-themed episodes, ' Double or Nothing' (which involved gambling for souls, in a way that is very hard to reconcile with the treatment of souls in other Buffyverse works), and ' The House Always Wins' (in which an evil casino turned out to be stealing its customers' destinies).When corrupt police won't help, More Dakka solves the problem. One episode of Airwolf has a mob-run casino seek to expand by muscling out local shops and marginalizing the townsfolk.